
Passionate and meticulous Data Scientist/Analyst possessing strong technical skills rooted in substantial training as an engineer. Have small scale work experience in Analysis of different kinds of datasets and Advanced projects relating ETL and EDA using Python , Sql , R. Well versed in Power BI , Tableau and Dataiku. @Kulothungan


In this project I have performed Date cleaning and Data analysis using Microsoft Power BI, a data modeling platform. The primary purpose of this project is to show my knowledge in time intelligence functions. I have applied many functions like CROSSJOIN, SAMEPERIODLASTYEAR, Extensive calculate function with less memory requirement and optimization in mind. I have designed and created a interactive Visualizations with in depth analysis and basic predictive analytics as well.

Data Cleaning using SQL

Performed the ETL process of Nashville Housing Data using Microsoft SQL. Different methods used include JOIN and CTE. Also Imported Data using OPENROWSET and BULK INSERT.

Date collection using Youtube API

I have used Youtube API to gather data such as like_count, view_ount, videos_library of a particular youtube channel. After that I have stored this data in AWS RDS instance and created methods for future modification. I have also configured pgAdmin to view table stored in cloud.

Corelation Analysis using Python

In this project I have used the Movies dataset from Kaggle , and performed Corelation Analysis on it using Python and its packages such as seaborn and matplotlib. Data Cleaning , EDA and Data Visualization was performed in Google Collaboratory Notebook.